Corners of my World

Monday, January 24, 2011

3 Day Cleanse DONE~ no magic but real results!

So I woke up this morning and weighed myself.  I lost exactly 4.9 pounds.
I know dag well that wasn't all fat.  I've done enough cleanses to know that you drop a LOT of water weight.  Considering there was no salt in my diet for 3 days, I ate plenty of fruits and vegetables, drank plenty of water and body finally released that water.
BUT by doing that cleanse, I'm not craving salty foods, even foods with "hidden" salt now. 
So let's breakdown how three days has changed me...
  • coffee free still..that's a first since 1984!
  • not craving salt
  • not mindlessly eating and still feeling like there is "something" I'm still craving
  • not craving red meat
  • not craving bread...that's major for me!
  • got me back on track with being aware of what I put into my body.
  • and since we're talking bodies and nutrition..I've debated on mentioning it but hey we're grown...I am now regular and haven't had gas in 3 days.  Now to convince Thatman to drink it LOL
Today I had one Shakeology pack.  My plan was for it to replace breakfast but due to how I made it...I snacked on it until lunchtime.  After three days and 3x a day of the same flavor I had to switch it up lol  I took a bag of frozen raspberries and put them in the fridge last night to defrost.  My plan was to put them in the blender frozen but my 13yr old puts away the clean dishes and can't figure out where he put the blades to my blender UGH!  Sooo I put them in a large measuring cup with 2 cups of cold water and 1 pack of Shakeology (it was supposed to be two packs but I found the 2nd one unopened on the counter later...still working on being focused without coffee lol), took a whisk and whisked it up!
Chocolate raspberry Shakeology is like an incredible desert. LOVED IT!

So now that I broke down and tried the Shakeology I need to suck it up and get going seriously on this ChaLEAN Extreme program.  I have made some of the recipes in the included meal plan and oh my gosh, they have been gooodt.  I have done both of the preparatory DVD's where Chalene Johnson explains how to do all of the moves safely, which impressed me.  But for some reason I'm just not moved to really jump on it. Everyone has something that gets them going.  I can do dance-style workouts daily!  I can walk cross country (walking is my favorite exercise).  I can get on my elyptical for 30 minutes daily.  I could even do a regular weight workout daily.  For some reason the combination of strength and cardio in the same workout....maybe it's confusing my mindset lol
My alarm is set for an hour early tomorrow morning and I am getting up and doing this!

If anyone reading this has tried it ..or heck, if you'd like to try it...let me know what you think!
We could encourage each other!  I know I need all the encouragement I can get with this one lol

Mantra for the morning: This will increase my metabolism. My arms will stop moving when I stop moving. This will increase my metabolism. My arms will stop moving when I stop moving.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pizza is the Devil! Or was it said that laziness is a tool of the devil...either way, dieting sucks

Today is the third and final day of my Three Day Shakeology Cleanse.

I started my day with green tea.  Followed that with a chocolate Shakeology shake.  I was doing great. Not hungry a bit.

Then the kids decided they need food, too and none of the healthy convenience snacks I stocked the kitchen with were acceptable to them..spoiled kids.  There is a good foot of snow outside and I'm not allowed (according to my family) to drive in it.  The only thing that delivers in my neighborhood is Pizza Hut.  Do you know that they have Veggie Supremes that you can put jalapeno juice on and it's realllly good?
So I told the 4yr old to clean his room the right way and I'll call the Pizza Man or he can do a half-tail job and he'll have soup.  Like most 4yr olds he doesn't understand soup :/
He ended up doing an incredibly great job on his room and well, a deal is a deal.  I ordered two large cheese pizzas for him and his brother.  An hour later, my house smells sooooo good and I'm sippin water and shoving orange slices in my mouth to keep from cursing.

To make it worse...while I'm typing this my 13yr old comes to tell me that instead of getting two cheese pizzas, he just found out one was half pork and the other half my beloved veggie lover with the jalapenos on it! 
Oh, Healthy Eating G*ds why are you toying with my emotions?!

So now for the first time since I've started this cleanse my stomach is growling and I have shut myself in my room.  HELP!

Okay, big breathe...I can overcome the evil that is pizza crust.  I am submitting this entry and then lacing up my tennis shoes.  Elyptical here I come!

Please keep me in your thoughts for strength

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Two of Shakeology Cleanse~cleansing not just my body but trying to get my mind around no coffee!

So today is the second day of this Shakeology cleanse.
I'm really pretty amazed..partially at the Shakeology and a lot at me!

I've done the lemonade cleanse (that's not lemonade, it's yellow, demon... welll it's just nasty!) and lasted almost a day!
I've done juice cleanses and while I felt pretty healthy, I gained 7lbs in just 3 days UGH!
I've done the little pills that come in colon cleanse "kits"..I won't tell you what all happened with that other than to say it made me realize that I really should think about decorating my bathroom more since there is so much potential to spend time in there :/
All of these cleanses left me starved, evil and in need of more air freshener..not to mention the weird sounds Thatman said my stomache made all night.

I've recently become a Beachbody Coach.  That means that among a lot of things I'm happy about, I'm thrilled that I get 25% discount on their products, I have accountability to really stay on my health goals and ever so often I might get a commission lol I know I shouldn't say it like that because my Diamond Coach above me makes over $1000 a week..I just started so I'm happy to lose a thousand calories a week!
I mention all that to say that one of the products I'm authorized to sell is Shakeology.  It's a nutritional drink that can be used as a supplement or complete meal replacement.  With only 140 calories it holds over 70 ingredients, 17 grams of protein, 17 grams of total carbohydrates (which is a good number when it comes to me offering it to Taz, my 15yr old who has Juvenile Diabetes), probiotics , amino acids, I can go on a LOT.  The only thing it boasts which I'm having a real hard time with is NO CAFFEINE.  I'll complain more about that later lol
My feeling is that I can't sell anything that I'm not 100% into..heck that's why I asked about selling Scentsy, I LOVE them!  So I decided I'd take a crash test with Shakeology and do the Three Day Cleanse.  This cleanse wasn't created or endorsed by Beachbody (the company behind Shakeology) but after reading a lot about it, it does seem like a great idea. Heck, nothing can be worse than lemons, cayenne and pancake syrup :)

Today I am on day two and I am really impressed!
It does not taste chalky, like a slimfast or protein powder.  It is thick and pretty rich.  It's not Godiva chocolate flavor but it's better than a Hershey bar in flavor as far as I'm concerned (not better than a dark Hershey, just the milk chocolate Hersheys lol).
What's crazy is that I am actually FULL!  The only problem I have had is the first night I went to get my 4yr old some BK (Yep I'm an amazing mother) and he kept asking why I didn't order the ciabatta chicken. He finally gave up and said that Jimmy John's was better for me anyway.  You should've heard the psychotic conversations that were running in my head!! I managed to get home and keep a sane looking smile on my face while I headed to the kitchen to take 1 cup of cold water, 2 ice cubes and a pack of Shakeology, pour them into a shaker cup and shake out ALL of my aggression!
I did go to bed last night with a headache.  I believe it was from not having my daily cup of Medaglia D'Oro coffee (or some say my daily mud).  I have had a cup of  coffee with one tsp of sugar or one pack of Splenda and enough milk to look late'ish since 1984.  Haven't missed a day willingly.  I woke up with a headache as well but now it's gone!  It didn't turn into a migraine either which is CRAZY.

It is now 10pm and I'm drinking my second Shakeology.  It should be my 3rd but I've been too full to even imagine drinking another until now. *insert confused as heck look*

I should've done the whole before pics, measurement and weighing ..I procrastinated because I really don't want to face it.  I will say that I know I weighed  183 yesterday morning and the scale said I was 44% fat WTH?! So I'm almost half fat.  And this is where I admit how vain I am...Thatman knows nothing of this blog.   Being almost HALF fat sounds so anti-sexy to me smh

Well, you can tell I'm brand new to this blogging thing.
I'm even longer winded in print!
If you've gotten this far I thank you :)  Tomorrow I will suck it up and post my measurements...maybe a picture if I can figure out how to get each of you to submit confidentiality forms.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My tippy toes are getting damp!

Well, I am finally getting my toes wet in this big blogger pond!
I've tried a few sites and I think I like this one.

My goal is to add one new posts per night for the next five nights.
That's doable lol  I'm sure not all of the posts will be completely coherent since I am doing this around midnight but it is the one time my house is quiet....all of the locals are unconscious!

Please comment on anything you read here.
I am very opinionated and appreciate others that are as well..even if our opinions don't completely mesh.

I may seem scattered at times but that's what this blog is journey to loving and nurturing the many sides of me!  You might see a little bit of yourself here, too